
Patrick is a self-employed computer technician. Jessica is a full-time caregiver for their 13-year-old daughter with disabilities. She also spends significant time caring for her parents and their medical needs while struggling with an untreated foot injury and sciatic pain that developed from caring for her daughter. Now that Jessica and Patrick are enrolled in Medicaid expansion, Jessica is not only has her first doctor appointment scheduled to start treatment—both she and Patrick have scheduled needed dental care.

Noll, Boise

Noll is an incredibly independent man that lives with disabilities. Through Medicaid’s home and community based services he has his own apartment and personal care aides that help him with daily tasks like cooking, cleaning and personal care. Medicaid supports Noll’s ability to be independent, thriving in the community, and in charge of his health.

Scarlette, Ketchum

Scarlette was born blind, is missing three parts of her brain, has cerebral palsy, and many hormonal deficiencies. Now at four years old, she is stable and hasn’t been to the hospital in over a year because of Medicaid. Scarlette goes to the Idaho School for the Deaf and Blind, receives weekly therapies, and daily medications that are vital to keeping her alive. Her wheelchair help her get around so she can play and enjoy being a kid. Medicaid ensures lifesaving care so she can grow and have the best chance at life.